Self catered accommodation

self catered accommodation

Self catered accommodation

Moorings on Cavill is Self catered accommodation for couples and families.

Self catered accommodation for a holiday apartment can be defined as a self-contained property offering clean, comfortable, furnished accommodation.

Guest are provided with the facilities to prepare and cook their own meals in quality surroundings.

When you stay at a self catered accommodation apartment you will need to buy all your own provisions such as food, drinks, cleaning materials, washing detergents as well as all personal items such as toilet paper and tissues.

Wash your own towels, sheets etc. in the laundry washing machine and drier if you stay for less than 7 days. For stays 7 days or longer then you will get clean sheets and towels midway during your stay at the Moorings complimentary.

The Moorings on Cavill are self-catered accommodation apartments and that is why we can keep our rates reasonable and offer good accommodation deals.

At Moorings we do provide a free starter amenities package that includes toilet paper, detergents, coffee tea sugar and milk to get you started on your holiday.

We have a washing machine and clothes drier in a separate laundry so you can wash your towels etc.

Opposite the Moorings are the big supermarkets like Woolworths and Coles only a short 5 minute walk away.

Self catered accommodation apartments give you the ability to have fun during your day. Enjoy your holiday program that you choose at a very good accommodation rate.

The advantage is these holiday apartments have less expensive rates than a serviced apartment. They  supply items such as toilet paper, clean apartments daily, make your bed, clean the bathroom and changes sheets and towels on a regular basis.

The self catered accommodation provides separate area for lounge and living areas. All have fully equipped kitchen facilities, bedroom, laundry and bathroom.

A serviced apartment can be made available on request but additional charges apply. Speak to our friendly staff to find out more information.

On the Gold Coast you will find a wide variety of self catered accommodation from one bedroom budget apartments to 3 bedroom family apartments.

The apartments are available to rent by the week, for a short break of 2-3 nights, or by the night, depending on availability.